there is no fear here

there is a fear here
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
missing my marilyn
I have stopped talking to the girl I have fallen harder for than any other. I miss her so much... and she doesn't even care. The days are long and only set to get longer... I wish she would love me still.
Captain pirateface
Monday, October 22, 2012
Why is it the women who fall in love with me end up hating me? Am I that fucking terrible?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
i hate you captain
So... I am about to throw away what I so badly want the most. I would have loved you forever Marilyn.
I would have given you my heart.
Captain pirateface
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Walking backwards and in circles again.
Bloody footprints to show where I have been.
I have no hand to hold as I slowly shuffle off to oblivion.
No lips to kiss when the bombs go off.
No lover to hold when I am scared of the things I cannot control.
she isn't even thinking about you anymore.
She doesn't want you.
Yeah... I know.
Captain Pirateface
Sunday, September 30, 2012
i hate sundays
Every Sunday afternoon/evening I have to bring my son home to his mothers... and every Sunday I come back home, walk in... and cry like a little boy. I miss my son so much when he goes... and the void of loneliness overtakes me every week. Because he is the only person that loves me. And nobody else wants me or wants me around. I miss my little man and I detest feeling so sad and down till Friday when I get to see him again.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sitting in the shower the water comes down soft and warm... embracing even..
The cold air outside my shower door seems a million miles away.
My bones ache...
Good morning
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I have missed you all. Needed the break from myself but now am back to harrang the shit outta me!
Broken hearted broken spirit
You lose all sense of decency.
Once you fuck. Once you have been there.
You become animals.
Even after the sweating and heaving and nastiness and slime...
Now you lose the rational thought that kept you sane...
You fucking goddamn idiot... falling in love never saved you.
But you gladly lock it up like a teenage girls diary.
Fuck you kid.
Fuck you.
Much love
Captain PirateFace
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Saturday, September 08, 2012
idiot face
Why can't she love me enough to just be with me?
I don't know Captain. I just don't know.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Which sexual position produces the ugliest children?
Ask your mother.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
So... my parents are leaving for Buffalo NY on Tuesday. This makes me very sad. I have never lived so far from them and I'm not gonna lie... it scares the shit out of me. They are taking the two dogs and two cats as well.
Its going to be a very tough week.
Captain PirateFace
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Briana and I aren't together anymore and the heartbreak gets worse by the day and no... I am not ok.
Captain PirateFace
Going for a few mile morning walk I chill for a moment at a park... a park at the base of Sunrise Mountain. Cudi... you just everywhere I go...
Monday, August 13, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Aurora Tragedy
When I heard about that bastard killing a bunch of people... doing something I hold very sincere.... seeing a movie on the big screen, I was mortified. All I could think of is I hope somebody gets to enjoy killing that murdering fuck. What a low and cowardice way to attack and kill a bunch of happy, excited people. Of all ages... Six up.
When I see a movie, and I often see them alone... I let the film sink in to my being. I cry, I laugh, I get caught up in the emotional high... and now, it's been taken for a short time.
Not forever though...
as I myself, refuse to let some sick piece of shit have that much power over me. To have that much control of my fear... hell no.
I did finally see "The Dark Knight Rises" it's a very upsetting flick. very tense... very hard to watch, with an amazing last five min that redeems all the uncomfort and panic. What an amazing trilogy...
I walked out not thinking about him (the pigfucker coward child killing piece of shit) at all,
nope my thoughts were exactly...
"I can't wait to see that again" and " Banes voice is kinda cool to listen to"
Captain PirateFace
Long Live Cinema!
How can you save me when you can't save yourself?
it keeps the walls
— Charles Bukowski