The best thing about life, Is knowing you put it together

"They look like big strong hands... don't they?"

Water rolls down the skin like tiny beads..
Eyes close so that they might see.
Illum tangendo (touching him)
This sun is a star in someone else's sky
Illum tangendo (touching him)
This moon is making someone cry...
Illum tangendo (touching him)

Captain PirateFace say's "Ahoy!"

Captain PirateFace say's "Ahoy!"
Updated by, Captain PirateFace

This is not an Exit

Never Say Die!!!

"the tigers have found me
and I do not care."

Charles Bukowski

there is no fear here

there is no fear here
there is a fear here

Saturday, April 17, 2010

coming to the conclusion that nobody likes you.

spent the better part of the morning crying in the bathroom...

i invited people over for my birthday last night.. nobody came.

so pathetic its almost silly.

i guess she went out and got a new tatoo last night... i didnt want to know, but was informed regardless. everytime i think about her i miss her...
i dont fucking care what her new tatoo is and i dont want to know. at all.

i have decided last night i give up... not that i plan on suicide, i just give up on people.
i try to not be alone and make new friends but always end up by myself. like last night.

i will now go through life understanding and trying to embrace the fact that i an an unloved, unloveable cave troll.

heres a poem!

The Secret of Life.


fuck it all
Captain PirateFace

1 comment:

Acolyte, the starving artist said...

You should call me more often. My cell phone is actually kind of like a crisis hot line.

How can you save me when you can't save yourself?

"nothing can save
it keeps the walls

Charles Bukowski